Everyone from Olympic athletes to weekend warriors seek techniques to improve performance. But instead of looking to what's new, let's look to the past.
Acupuncture is an aspect of Chinese Medicine that originated over 5000 years ago. This practice naturally enhances strength, endurance and heals physical injuries. Based in the belief that "qi" or vital life energy flows through twelve meridians throughout the body,each meridian corresponds to a network of organs and when upset or imbalanced, disease and pain creep in.
Chinese medicine practitioners believe that all pain and disease are ultimately caused by some kind of stagnation or "stuckness."Stagnation in the body can be caused by excess from too much heat or dampness, or due to a lack of something essential like vital energy.
As a Naturopathic Doctor and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, it's my job to first assess each patient's unique needs and then diagnose what causes the imbalance. In Allopathic medicine, two people with the same symptoms may be treated with the same treatment protocol. But in Chinese Medicine, two people with the same symptoms can be diagnosed with different causes, both needing to be treated differently. Chinese Medicine addresses the unique underlying cause of the malady that must be addressed accordingly in order to heal.
In modern practice, this ability for acupuncture to achieve optimum wellness can be used to strengthen the body and enhance athletic endurance. Acupuncture reduces pain and inflammation by improving blood circulation and range of motion. It not only shortens recovery time from injuries as well as recovery from fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness but can also encourage faster and stronger performance. One study looked at a baseball pitcher whose fastball would slow down after fifty pitches. WHAT IS THIS STUDY? PLEASE CITE. After acupuncture, he was able to maintain his fastball speed after fifty pitches. Another study showed that elite male cyclists competing in a twenty kilometer race had a significant increase in performance and a lowered rating perceived exertion (RPE). CITES NEEDED
This is how acupuncture makes you a better athlete: it improves blood flow which means more oxygenated blood gets to muscles and helps remove toxins that can build up from exertion. We all know that athletic prowess is not just about physical ability but the mental aspect as well. Acupuncture helps reduce mental stress, improve clarity and focus. It's important to remember that the body does not know the difference between a wedding and a funeral. Stress is stress and exercise can definitely be perceived as stress by the body even if it feels like fun.
Whether you're wanting to shave seconds off your time to win a coveted gold medal, or you want to just run a mile without stopping for the first time, explore acupuncture as part of a comprehensive program that includes good nutrition, consistency in training, sleep and hydration. Addressing the body as a whole can greatly improve stamina. In this age of technological advances and an obsessive with what's newer and better, don't forget that established, ancient remedies can improve our modern lives.