UNDO x Chelsea Simone

Who is Chelsea Simone and how did her attraction to physical health in the form of dance and fitness come about?

I am a professional dancer with 23 years of training and 10 years of professional dance experience. I suppose, that being the case, my fitness journey started when I was four without realizing it. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I began my strength training fitness journey. I had never set foot inside of a gym before that because of the image I had created in my head that gyms were for beefy bros. But a few of our dance instructors suggested that we supplement our dance training with strength training so I decided to give it a try. Not long after, I began to notice a change in my dance: I was more stable and could balance longer, I had more muscular endurance to hold my legs up longer and I had better core strength to control my movements better. I thought, if strength training could help me with such specific, targeted goals, I had to share this with others!

What make's the synergy between dance and fitness so powerful for many who follow it, including yourself?

Dance and fitness certainly go hand in hand. Dance has taught me proper posture and physical control, which has benefited my form in my strength training so I get the most out of my workouts. Strength training has helped improve my stability, endurance and overall strength in dance. 

Chelsea Simone

It's no secret that your physique speaks to how comfortable you are building muscle. Why do you believe it is important for women to build muscle and strength instead of just sticking with the stigma of being slim and petite as a dream goal?

I love being a strong woman and I love looking like a strong woman. I have a naturally muscular physique, which I wasn't always proud of. There was a period in college when I was consistently critiqued on my physique and I tried to change it. I got to a very unhealthy stage in my life; I was miserable and began to lose joy in the thing that I once loved.

Why was it important for you to become a personal trainer? What is it that makes you want to see your trainees achieve their optimal body figure?

I wanted to share the benefits of strength training with others. There are so many more benefits to it than just building muscle and looking ripped. Strength training can improve posture and alignment; it can build endurance and reduce joint pain. More than that, it can also build confidence. Someone's fitness goals can be so much deeper than the physical. Perhaps someone was bullied all through school for their size, which was emotionally taxing on them. They say that they want to just be healthier, but in reality, the history of being bullied is the true reason they want to train.

Tell us about your relationship with Los Angeles and why it's the best city for a woman like yourself.

As a personal trainer and professional dancer, LA is one of the best cities I could be in. Since the weather is nice year round, physical fitness is a top priority for a lot of people out here. There's certainly no shortage of clients. As for dance, LA is filled with musical artists working on their next music video, performance or tour. My number one goal is to book an international tour, so I'm certainly in the right place.

Chelsea Simone

Speaking of LA, what's your relationship with the Los Angeles Clippers?

I am a member of the LA Clippers Spirit dance team and I am also the Entertainment Assistant for the LA Clippers so I get to experience two sides of the organization. It's pretty cool.

What influenced you to join UNDO?

I've been following UNDO for about 3 years now since I lived in NY. I've always seen it as a cool, urban take on fitness, lifestyle, and community and was definitely something I wanted to get involved with.

Chelsea Simone

How's your summer looking?

Hmm, that's a good question. I'm sensing some very exciting things on the horizon with both fitness and dance. I've gotten quite a few emails this week with some AWESOME opportunities so I'm doing what I can to make those things happen and keep more coming. But overall, it's difficult to say. I'm hoping to keep myself busy no matter what.

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